Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Halloween and The Three Day Rule

Halloween and The Three Day Rule

The rule goes like this.  After your child is done with Trick or Treating on Halloween, screen through their candy with them.  You will check the pile for safety.  Make sure it is wrapped properly and doesn’t look like it is tampered with. Now let your children go through the screened candy for the items they like.  Let them eat whatever they like that night and for the next two days.  After that the kids must handover whatever they haven’t eaten.  Make a game out of it using the following suggestions:

For Younger kids  – put the candy outside the bedroom door for the Halloween Fairy who takes all the candy and leaves a small gift.  Consider a book relating to their Halloween costume.

For Older kids - you might buy back the candy by weight.  You can use cash, design tokens that may be good for TV time or some other activity. They might prefer a gift certificate to their favorite store.

How Can We Help? We will be "Buying Back Candy" on Wednesday and Thursday, November 3rd and 4th between the hours of 8 AM - 5 PM.  Please bring it to our office and we will pay you $1 per pound.  Once we are done collecting, we plan on shipping it overseas to our Troops for them to enjoy. 

Happy Halloween!
Dr. Martin, Dr. Ferraiolo and Team

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