Friday, November 19, 2010

John of God on Oprah: Is he a miracle worker or someone looking for fame?

John of God was on the Oprah show on November 17 and this Brazilian healer is causing quite a buzz around the world after his appearance.

It appears that Oprah - and millions of others - believe in miracles. John of God is a Brazilian spirit doctor, who can supposedly perform miracles. John of God is also nothing more than a simple farmer with no medical degree and very little education. Many people believe that he is a medium of sorts who is able to channel the spirits of more than 30 deceased doctors and saints to bring about physical and spiritual healing. Sounds a bit biblical doesn't it?

Well, it appears John of God was believable enough for Oprah to have him on her show. After all, the most powerful woman in talk wouldn't want to risk her reputation. In fact, Oprah sent Susan Casey, the editor-in-chief of O, The Oprah Magazine, to Brazil to visit the John of God as an objective journalist. Another person who can vouch for John of God and his healing powers is Ernie Chu, who went to Brazil in 2002 and had an egg-sized tumor removed from his back with no anesthesia. Can you imagine? 

"We spoke with Ernie's doctor here in the United States and he confirmed that Ernie had a tumor on his back and that tumor is no longer there," Winfrey said.

It must have been an interesting show to watch. Is John of God a healer or just someone who knows how to fake it? People believe in him and there really is no reason for him to fake his healing powers. So maybe Oprah brought this miraculous man into the light of the world so that he can help those out there in need or maybe Oprah just wants the web to talk about her more (as if people don't do that enough already!) It is her farewell season, after all, so why not have a farmer from Brazil with healing powers come on the show?

Photo Credit : Examiner

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