Wednesday, November 17, 2010

PLR Tip: The difference between non-transferable and no restriction PLR

There's this debate going on about whether it is better to resell PLR products or use them yourself.

If you asked me there's no right or wrong answer when it comes to marketing products with private label rights. More important, is that you must be clear with your (PLR) rights.

But before that, you have to go through the terms and conditions of the PLR packages before you can decide what to do with them.

All PLR packages have their own individual rights  but most products fall into two major categories:

(1) Non-transferable PLR
(2) No Restriction PLR

Most PLR sellers market their products as non-transferable PLR rights. How it works is that the products enables the customer to use the PLR  rights to edit a PDF file but they are not allowed to resell the rights to sell the PLR rights to others.

Okay... I know that last line might be a little confusing  to people who are new to the PLR industry but here's what it really means.

Let's say you have a license to resell something  to your customer. Non transferable PLR means that your customer can use it for personal use  but they cannot resell it to THEIR customers.

With No restriction PLR rights, it's different. You  can sell the rights to your customer and in turn your customer can SELL it to their customers!

So what do these two work out for you?


With non-transferable rights, you can dominate  niche markets with the books, and you can also create a PDF file with master resell rights. The  only thing you can't do is resell the source file (Word document or editable file)

With no restriction plr rights however, you have a bit more flexibility and you can sell the plr rights after you obtain it. The only drawback is that each customer you create becomes your competitor.

Hope this clarifies your understanding on PLR education.

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