Monday, November 22, 2010

Unemployment Extension Blocked By House Republicans

Nothing is ever what it seems in Washington.  A bill fast-tracked by the Democrats that would require a two-thirds vote to pass, fell short when Republicans blocked the measure because the bill was written to increase spending without any cuts.  The political maneuvering of the House Democrats was obviously a political ploy to embarrass House Republicans.

The bill, designed to extend unemployment benefits until the end of February, would have added $12.5 billion to the national debt.  This cavalier spending is unconscionable, considering the financial burden currently carried by taxpayers.  With the holiday season fast approaching, this was a cynical move by the Democrats, obviously trying to force the Republican’s hand.  By fast-tracking the bill, the Republicans were unable to find ways to pay for the extension.  House Republicans would have sought to pay for these extensions by cutting spending on failed stimulus programs, according to Rep. Charles Boustany, R-La.

Using the unemployed as a political football will only strengthen the public’s perception that Democrats are the party of big government.  In the past the American public has had a short political memory.  However, after forcing through health care reform, finRance reform and gobbling up major automotive businesses, Americans are leery of the intentions of Democrat leaders.  As long as Republicans stick to a philosophy of less government, and honor their Pledge to America, they will keep the Democratic Party on the ropes for a long time.

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