Friday, November 19, 2010

Hitler Planned Secret Flying Saucer Attack for London - UFO Prototypes Built by Nazis

Did Hitler plan a secret flying saucer attack on London during World War II? What a bizarre idea. Recent reports point to the secret UFO plan as Hitler’s armies crumbled. He and the Nazi scientists were working to create a secret weapon to win the war. Could that have been a secret flying saucer?

Hitler’s Secret Flying Saucer to Bomb Both London and New York

Hitler planned secret flyer saucer attacks on London, New York during WWII.The idea was for the flying saucers to bomb both London and New York – the idea was so enticing to Hitler that there actually may have been a flying prototype built. It was called the Schriever-Habermohl scheme, and it was under the command of Hans Kammler, but it was originally the Luftwaffe plan. Witnesses even report seeing a flying saucer with the German military’s Iron Cross low over the Thames sometime in 1944. There were perhaps as many as 15 prototypes of the flying saucer built. This is truly amazing! A UFO that wasn’t filled with aliens, but with Nazis – very scary indeed.

Multiple Eye Witness Reports and Stories of Strange German UFO

Not only did witnesses see the UFO, the New York Times even wrote a story with photos about the “mysterious flying disc,” which seems to point to the fact that the U.S. took the idea rather seriously as well. Unfortunately, much of the research on the project was destroyed by the Germans, but in 1960, experts in Canada actually made a flying UFO based on what they did know.

Why was this project abandoned? Perhaps it was because the Germans were already losing so badly that there weren’t resources to put towards it. What is the benefit if any of a flying saucer as opposed to a regular airplane? Perhaps they would be scarier, or maybe the people it planned to attack would think that the saucer was really aliens attacking? Of course, if it had German military markings, then that is unlikely.

One thing is certain. Hitler was a madman who had all sorts of crazy plans to rule the world. The secret flying saucer attack is not that far fetched when viewed through the lens of all the terrible things Hitler did during World War II.

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