Thursday, November 18, 2010

KFC to Offer $20,000 for Best Tweet - Let Your Creative Juices Flow!

Do you need help paying for your child’s college tuition? If so, the KFC Best Tweet contest may be the answer to your prayers. The company will offer $20,000 in college scholarship funds to one lucky high school student with the winning tweet.

All high school seniors who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents are eligible for the promotion, as long as they have a minimum 2.75 GPA and are planning to attend a public college or university.
CHICAGO - AUGUST 15: KFC signage is visible on a door of a cigarette-smoke-free company-owned KFC restaurant August 15, 2005 in Chicago, Illinois. Louisville, Kentucky-based Yum! Brands' company-owned 1,200 KFC and 1,675 Pizza Hut restaurants starting this week will be enacting a no smoking policy, placing 'No Smoking' signs in their US restaurants owned by the company. The company is encouraging their other 4,200 KFC and 4,600 Pizza Hut franchised restaurants in the US to follow. (Photo by Tim Boyle/Getty Images)

To participate in the KFC Best Tweet contest, simply sign up to follow KFC on Twitter at @KFC_Colonel and submit your catchy tweet with the #KFCScholar tag.

"It's how this generation communicates," said John Cywinski, KFC’s chief of marketing, when explaining how the Best Tweet promotion came about. "It's a generation used to instant messaging and immediate gratification."

Well said, Mr. Cywinski. Who wouldn’t want to earn $20,000 for a single 140-character tweet?

So, let your creative juices flow and submit your ingenious entry to KFC. But don’t wait too long. The KFC Best Tweet contest will end on November 26.

The winning tweet will be chosen based on three distinct criteria, says the company's press release: creativity (40 percent of the score), financial need (30 percent), and motivation (30 percent). KFC will announce the best tweet and the winner of the contest on December 1.

Can you imagine winning $20,000 toward college tuition with one short tweet? What a great holiday gift that would be for the entire family!

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