Thursday, November 18, 2010

"The Science Guy" Bill Nye collapses in mid-sentence! What was the cause of the collapse?

“The Science Guy,” Bill Nye, collapsed on stage at the University of California, according to witnesses at the speaking event. Nye, age 54, just fell over in the middle of a sentence, and then popped right back up! It must have been crazy to see “The Science Guy” just fall right over!

According to the LA Times, Nye was not bothered by the his fainting spell. He just “got back up quickly and resumed his presentation.” A USC senior, Tristan Camacho, witnessed Nye’s collapse.

She explained that he fell over during a sentence “Then after about 10 seconds, he popped back up with much gusto and asked everybody how long he was out for and went on with a story about how a similar thing happened to him that morning.”

Bill Nye went on with his speech; however, Camacho explained that his speech was slurred and that he had stumbled against his laptop computer. She also mentioned that Nye kept taking sips of his water, but he continued to press on with his speech. However, he did finally leave the stage, before finishing his lecture. What a trooper "The Science Guy" is! He must be passionate about science, that's for sure!

Another strange occurrence was that no one went to check on Nye. He just continued his slurred speech, while stumbling around, and no one helped him. A USC senior, Alastair Fairbanks, talked about the students' disrespect, during Bill Nye’s collapse and continued speech.

Fairbanks said, “Nobody went to his aid at the very beginning when he first collapsed -- that just perplexed me beyond reason. Instead, I saw students texting and updating their Twitter statuses. It was just all a very bizarre evening.”

At the time of this report, it is unclear whether Bill Nye was treated by paramedics at the University of California or if he was taken to a hospital for treatment. This is a bizarre occurrence for sure!

It sounds as if Nye collapsed, because he was having a small stroke, doesn’t it? Hopefully, he is resting at home and healthy! What do you think of the rudeness of the California students?

Bill Nye, host of the TV show Bill Nye The Science Guy takes a photo as he attends the first ever White House Science Fair, at the White House in Washington on October 18, 2010. President Obama welcomed the winners of a broad range of high school science, technology and math competitions to the White House where he viewed their projects and talked to them about their work. UPI/Kevin Dietsch Photo via Newscom

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